On April 21 we went to Miami Metro Zoo for our CBI experience. Our students engaged in a real hands on experience. We toured the zoo, rode the monorail, had a picnic lunch and enjoyed the petting zoo. Our CBI driver not only took us, but stayed with us and formed bonds with our class. Metro Zoo has discounted rates for MDCPS. Since our numbers in our Autism program are usually below the minimium required for discounts, I wrote a letter and we received reduced entrance rates, free entrance for teachers and paraprofessionals, and discounted prices for the monorail. We had a designated picnic space and the Zoo was very accommodating to us. For contact information see the website
# posted by SMSH-Autistic Program-B. Fernandez @ 9:51 AM

March is the month of the year when we are all "tired" out teachers, paras and students. Our trip to the Dade County Youth Fair gave us a "breather". It was evident that our students had begun to generalize many of the skills we have been working so hard on since the year began. We rode, ate, rode again, ate some more, and our kids were experts in communicating their likes and choices. Just looking at the faces makes it clear that these students in the "spectrum" made valuable connections with the environment. Just look at those smiles! (That's me in the "shades") The only challenge: GETTING THEM OFF THE RIDES!
# posted by SMSH-Autistic Program-B. Fernandez @ 9:06 AM