In an effort to provide instruction across our curriculum, I try to look for ways to expose my students to activities that encompass a variety of skills. This month we went to Dolphin Mall on our CBI outings. Each student brought
in $10.00. Each student had to browse through the stores and locate items that were under $10.00. They had to buy a gift for another student in the class for a gift exchange. The presents were paid for by the students, they had to carry their item themselves (and not lose it). In class, they had to place the item in a box, wrap the box, and label it to their classmate. We assisted
our students with selections, and this activity proved very successful. We wanted our students to purchase something but not for themselves. This helps them connect with the others, and provides an activity where they can learn many skills such as (tolerance of proximity, money skills, self-help, community behaviors, manners, choice making etc.) We will exchange gifts during our culminating activity which will be a holiday "fun" day where we will play with dreidels, make cinnamon ornaments, cards, and have a pizza luncheon.
# posted by SMSH-Autistic Program-B. Fernandez @ 7:09 AM